A revival of ancient medical treatment, Accolades for Shri. Jose Jacob
However much modern science has evolved, man would continue to go back to his ancient roots to fulfill his basic needs in life. For this a prime testimony is "Atharvanic Kriya", an Indian ancient medical practice developed by Sri. Jose Jacob.
For the past 22 years Sri. Jose Jacob has treated and saved hundreds of patients from many types of "uncurable diseases" such as Cancer with this esoteric Yoga method. Even before religion and caste came into existance the science of Yoga was owe the upmost importance to heal the mind and body as part of spirituality. Sri. Jose Jacob was able to combine his deep knowledge in Vedic science and Yoga and turn this into a new treatment method call Atharvanic Kriya which has been successful in today's modern world. Due to this reason "Manjeeram Holistic Centre" located in Kerala, Ernakulam district is gaining popularity. Shri. Jose Jacob has been presented with a lot of laurel and awards from both national and international levels. Any enquiries related to the above please call Manjeeran Holistic Centre on +91 9895 466 087.
Sri. Jose Jacob is receiving National Yogacharya Award from Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha P J Kurian
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